Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Mixbook 5x7 Custom Thank You Cards Review (Set of 30)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Proud and Faithful Spira Shoes Ambassador - 30% Discount Code
Looking back at my 30+ years (yes, girls! Don't ever let people know your age!)..I should write a book. Wow, I can't believe I am still here smiling and working out thanks to Spira Shoes (more details to follow and an amazing 30% Discount Code).
Let's far in my short life I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, three beautiful boys, an amazing family that taught me faith...strength...perseverance...and pride, my dream career, setting records with my passion for running and physical fitness...
But on the flip side of this blessings had caused some pretty major and minor bumps in the road like major back injury which almost ended my dream career, 3 complicated pregnancies and 3 C-sections to get my beautiful boys here, Cervical Cancer (found out while pregnant with my 3rd son) and recent knee surgery because of too much running over the years (this is only sharing some of the highlights).
My recent knee surgery has really taken its toll on my body. It was a long and challenging rehab and I still am not back to where I would like to be. I attempted to work out after rehab, and even bought a new pair of shoes. My knee ached so bad I couldn't get on the floor to play with my children. Going up and downstairs was a daily routine I dreaded. My workouts began to dwindle.
But there I, was a few days after Christmas at a Bake Shop in my community, picking up rolls for breakfast. The woman who ran the business stopped and asked how my knee was doing after surgery. I shared my story....She showed me a pair of Spira shoes she was wearing. She told me all about how they have helped her after her knee surgeries. She wrote down on the back of a customer ticket and handed it to me.
She told me her Spira Shoes were worth all the money she spent on them. I was surprised to hear her encourage me to check out Spira's website and see what would be the best for my knee. I waited a few more weeks and went online to learn about Spira Shoes.
I was intrigued by Spira's Wave Spring Technology. Spira® puts a real spring in your step with its patented WaveSpring® Technology. The cushioning system offers energy return while providing a reduction in stress and fatigue. Whether you run, walk or must stand on your feet all day, Spira® offers the ultimate in cushioning and comfort.
Spira took a chance on me and allowed me to become a Spira Ambassador. Which gives me the chance to share an amazing discount code for 30% off your entire order from! Just use code "fishfulblg" to get your 30% off! I know you will LOVE your Spira's as much as I do!!
They sent me out two pair of their Spira being the Women's Odyssey Running Shoe to review.
I wanted to wait and give my Spira Odyssey Shoes a real try before sharing my experiences so far. Well, it has been a month now...and guess what? I have worked out 25 of the last 30 days!!! I am so excited. My knee is doing amazing, compared to where I was at. I haven't tried running yet, as I am working to get all the kinks out and back into shape. I have been doing a Treadclimber, Elliptical Machine, Walking work out program on DVD and a Dance Work out program.
The amount of impact my Spira Shoes absorb is outstanding and at times doesn't seem possible...but I am living proof it is! Keep watching to see my progress with my Spira Odyssey Running Shoes.
samples of their products to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if
I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free products.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Freschetta "Rally for Real Pizza" Amazing Facebook Event. Win Free Pizza!
"Rally for Real Pizza"....pledging to boycott "blah" and serve only the freshest frozen pizza - FRESCHETTA pizza!
Date - | February 27, 2012 - March 30, 2012 |
What - | Rally for Real Pizza |
Where - | From the comfort of your own home |
Details - | Starting February 27, 2012 on |
Sunday, February 26, 2012
SodaStream Fountain Jet Soda Lover's Start Up Kit Giveaway $99.95 Value!
That is me right now! I feel like a little kid in a candy store...I am so giddy! And one lucky person who enters is going to get to experience the giddiness for themselves! is my chance to review and giveaway a SodaStream System.
I want to first say I love the thought process behind this inventive and active green home soda system. An "Active Green" product, means that the smart owners of this SodaStream System are actively reducing their CO2 footprint every time they make soda or sparkling water at home instead of buying it from the store. The more the system is used on a daily basis, the more CO2 footprint the user actively saves.
Less packaging waste from cans and bottles.
Less pollution caused by transport of bottled beverages.
Not only is Soda Stream an active green product...but is is simple to use, makes amazing carbonated beverages and is easy to assemble and clean.
Great Value....Endless variety of flavors...Ready in seconds with NO clean-up mess...No empty bottles and cans to recycle or throw away....Thank you SodaStream.
I almost forgot to mention the SodaStream site offers an amazing and helpful section to assist with any and all your questions or concerns about SodaStream...what great customer service and satisfaction.
TigTagz ID Bracelets Product Review
I hate this thought but I have to ask...
How many parents out there have had the, "Oh Sh*t" moment? That moment when you realize you don't know where your child is.... You are away from home and your child is now may be for only a few seconds or maybe a minutes of pure agony.
Well, I recently had the opportunity to sample and review a very practical and useful, child friendly product.
I first want to say I am thankful to a fellow mom named Stephanie Kelley who came up with this simple, yet brilliant idea.
TigTagz are made in really cute styles for both boys and girls. As you can see, by the TigTagz I was provide.
Not only are they fun and comfortable to wear (as long as you, as a parent do not put the TigTagz on too tight) they are:
and Water-Resistant!
I love the fact you can order your TigTagz's Personalized with your phone number and a if need be a Medical Condition or other pertinent facts.
But it is NOT suggested that you place your child's name on your TigTagz for safety reasons. You don't want to give a "bad guy" all your child's info as it could be used negatively.
If you don't want to have them personalized directly from TigTagz, you can personalize them yourself at home with a fine tipped permanent marker or ballpoint pen.
The area on the band for personalization is small, but just take your time and write your contact number clearly.
TigTagz reminded me of some hospital bands. You know the ones they you can't get off, unless you cut them off...exactly! When put on correctly TigTagz can only be removed with a scissors.
Application of TigTagz is very simple. You just peel off the small area of backing that exposes the stick to the other side of the bracelet. Done! How perfect and adjustable to fit a young child's wrist to an older child's. A second of work that can pay off for a lifetime!
Don't worry about the price of this needed accessory! They are only $10 for a dozen....but TigTagz is having a amazing special for the Month of March...
Every set that is ordered will come with 16 bracelets instead of 12. That is 30% more for FREE!
Thank you TigTagz!! And thank you for your all fundraising and work with so many children's charities.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
$20 Red Envelope Gift Certificate Giveaway and other Bonus Prizes - Totaling Over $50!!
3 Chances to Win FREE Purex UltraPacks Laundry Detergent $15 Total Value
Need more details about this convenient way to do your here and read my review that I posted earlier.
Sign Ups Open for Luck Of The Irish CASH Giveaway!
Click the button below for more details!
The fee to participate is only $3 for the Mandatory Facebook link (includes $1 Admin fee). Each additional entry will cost $2. Maximum cost will be $7 for 1 FB page, 1 Twitter account and 1 G+ page. The cash prize will depend on the number of participants or sponsors.
What are you waiting for? SIGN UP NOW. Don’t forget to mention
If you have any questions, please send an email to
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Stunning Rhinestone Bridal Party Aprons Review
Okay, I may not be the world's wildest party animal, but I know how important it is to make the Bride and the wedding party feel special in preparation for this life changing milestone.
I have had the opportunity to review a very stunning and perfectly pink Rhinestone decorated and labeled apron perfect gift for bridal party. I need to let everyone know, that I felt like the Bride when my review package thoughtful it was wrapped like an amazing gift *please do not expect this packaging yourself*.
I could already tell that this business truly cares about their products and their customers. I love that! Many times it can be challenging to find such a caring business with affordable, quality products.I received the Bridesmaid version, but Buy Cute Aprons also offered Bride and Mother-of-the-Bride. It had wonderful deep pocket in the front. The fabric used was very sturdy and comfortable. What a perfect and practical item to create the best day or night for the bridal party. A say practical as you can now make sure to keep every one's outfits clean and protected while the Bachelorette Party is in full swing, maybe in the kitchen cooking, preparing your nails for the big day or even enjoying fun snacks.
I almost forgot to mention these would be perfect to wear the day of the wedding while everyone is getting their make up and hair done to protect your beautiful gowns. Plus, these accessories would look great in the photos that will be looked at for years to come.
Don't miss this opportunity to make the bridal party an memorable experience. Buy Cute Aprons is based in the United Kingdom, but have amazingly quick shipping with International shipping only £5 per order. They website is undergoing redesign and will soon include geo-ip currency to make your ordering more user friendly.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
We have adopted! Welcome Ugly Ted to our family.
To go along with that phrase others may think and say things like, "He or she is so ugly! I don't want to be his/her friend because he/she are not perfect like I am! He or she is stupid!"
Childhood can be such a challenge for many. Along with the day to day issues some children are bullied, harassed and truly feel like they don't fit in. How can we make a difference and take a stand against bullying? How can we show these children they do not have to be "perfect" and we accept them for who they are, period?
This is where I announce our newly adopted family member can help with these problems....
I love seeing how Ugly Ted has fit right in at our household. My youngest son has staked claim on Ugly Ted or as he calls him, "Silly Hedge". Ugly Ted goes everywhere with him and is getting quite the attention by all the meet Ugly Ted.
Ugly Ted will soon have his best friend, Squirky The Squirrel up for adoption too. Look for him to be available very soon, online.
sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if
I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.
Enter The Ultimate Mess Party Sweepstakes sponsored by Clorox Clean-up Cleaner
I notice the activities I choose vary from season to season, holiday to holiday and are even influenced by the weather outside. I don't know if you and your children are anything like we are, but I would guess 90% of the activities we chose some how include or evolve into a huge (fun) mess. Our messy activities can involve baking/cooking, crafting, games outside and even fun experiments (they love to be scientists).
I enjoy using my own experiences or imagination to come up with many of the activities we enjoy. Kiddie Cooking is on the top of our list! One of my favorite (and my boys) is making homemade cheese straws. They love to get down and dirty with all the flour....the more hands on they can be, the more they enjoy the project and stay on they are so excited later seeing what their creativity tastes like.
Here is our recipe if you are interested in trying out this recipe with your children and a few action photos from the last time we made these fun and messy cheese straws.
On a lightly floured surface, roll pieces of the dough into pencil shaped sticks. Cut sticks into 4 to 5 inch lengths. Arrange the pieces on the baking sheet.
Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes or until browned.
Besides my own ideas, the Internet is an excellent tool to help spark my creativity and find other messy projects to dive into.
Did you know Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner has just launched a great and easy to navigate web site? They have and it is so fittingly called, "Clorox Clean-up Recipes For Fun". Along with this creative website that is full of "recipes for fun"...Clorox is sponsoring The Ultimate Mess Party Sweepstakes!
It is so easy to register for The Ultimate Mess Party Sweepstakes. I know as I did, in a matter of minutes. Once you receive 1 sweepstakes entry automatically into the Grand Prize which is $10,000 to use towards an Ultimate Mess Party...could you imagine what that party would be like? I know I am smiling. And the best part is you could use Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner to tidy up after the Ultimate Mess Party! Shoot, why wait for the Ultimate Mess Party? You can easily use Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner anytime you find yourself facing a clean up situation.
So what are you waiting for? Go check out this creative site and register today for The Ultimate Mess Party Sweepstakes.
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox Clean-Up Recipes for Fun blogging program, for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on this program, click here and see the Terms link.”
Monday, February 20, 2012
Choclatique Valentine's Truffle Hearts Review
I was excited to host a fun and creative giveaway for Valentine's Day.
Entries had to be the Most Creative 30-Character Message that would appear on their own Choclatique SweeTweet. The 30 Characters included spaces, symbols or punctuation!
First of all each and every Choclatique Truffle is and was a work of art. I was delighted at the thoughtfulness and design of the packaging...truly a special gift for the one you love (even if that person is yourself).
The box has a unique magnetic design to help keep the lid secure. As you can see the back of this special packaging also has a photo and description of what is contained inside.
Gold Peppermint - The center was soft and delicate with just the right amount of peppermint. Not over powering...just perfect!!
Black Cherry Caramel Heart - The caramel was so velvety and smooth..and creamy and almost liquefied. What a gourmet flavorful surprise as I broke through crisp chocolate shell. The black cherry was a marriage made in heaven with rich chocolate!
Grand Marnier Truffle - Delightfully citrus smooth center. Orange and Chocolate...yum!
Passion Fruit Caramel Heart - This combination was amazing. The passion fruit had a nice tart complexity that was complimented by sweetness of the chocolate.
Saigon Cinnamon Caramel Heart - Spicy and Sweet. Ideal for the cinnamon lover. What a great way to end the day with a cup of coffee and a heart.
Strawberries 'n Cream Heart - The name totally describes this sweet confection. I have no idea how Choclatique captured these flavors but they did. So fresh and creamy and smooth and delicous!
**I didn't recieve the Minty Julep so that is why it is not featured**
samples of Love Truffles to review and I was under no obligation to review it if
I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free products.
Frieda's Potato Lover's Month Prize Pack Giveaway and Gourmet Fingerling Potatoes Review
Before I tell you all about this Fantastic and Colorful Giveaway...
Let me start by thanking Frieda's for sending out the freshest, cleanest, colorful dainty potatoes I have ever seen before....
Not just a collection of original recipes, THE PURPLE KIWI COOKBOOK features 128 pages of full-color recipes, photos, tips and useful information on some of the world's most exotic fruits and vegetables. The cookbook features items such as Habanero Chiles, Donut® Peaches, Purple Potatoes and Asian Pears, along with descriptions, usage ideas and storage and selection tips. $22.75 Value!!
sample of one of these products to review and giveaway I was under no obligation to review it if
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Toast to the Red Carpet – LIVE Giveaway. Thank you I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Who is excited for the Toast to the Red Carpet – Live?
What??? You haven’t heard?
Well Girlfriend or Boyfriend…here is the gossip straight from Fishful Thinking’s mouth….
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! is hosting an amazing Facebook event of the season and you had butter, oops I mean better not miss out.
Here is your invite:
Toast to the Red Carpet – LIVE, presented by I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!
Time: February 26th, 2012 from 3:00 to 4:30PST
Where: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! Facebook Page
What to bring: Yourself and your questions… participate in the I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! contest by watching the show and submitting comments to the Facebook post before 11:59pm February 26th.
What to wear: You can break out your Red Carpet Best or your comfiest best…as this is an online event for movie fans to enjoy the red carpet viewing party…complete with insider access to the red carpet….an Exclusive roundtable of Hollywood Stars!...and the Best Picture-themed recipes for your own home viewing party.
I can’t wait to see what Hollywood stars will be attending and sharing the inside scoop on their favorite dishes and red carpet fashions. I am excited to see what I can learn to help me plan my foodie red carp
et event right in the comfort of my own home. What can I create with I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter? Maybe my
Homemade Apple Cranberry Bread? Yum...perfect with the help of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.
Here is my personal recipe I came up with for Cranberry Apple Bread.
2 Eggs
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 Tablespoons I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!
1 1/2 cups All-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups pealed - chopped tart apples (I love to use HoneyCrisp Apples)
1 cup frozen or fresh cranberries
2 packages (.74oz each) Spiced Cider Original Apple Flavor Drink Mix
Preheat oven 350 degrees.
Beat the eggs, sugar and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!.
Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and Spiced Cider Mix - add to the wet ingredients until just combined.
The batter will be very thick.
Stir in the Apples and Cranberries.
Coat a 8"x4"x2" loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray and add batter.
Bake for 60 to 65 minutes, until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan to wire rack to cool completely.
I like to add a sprinkle of granulated sugar at the end for a beautiful presentation.
Who wants to win a Free Tub Of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter?
All you need to do is comment on the post as to why you are going to watch The Toast to the Red Carpet – LIVE online show on the I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Facebook Page.
You must be 18 years of age or older and resident of the USA. Giveaway closes February 29th, 2012 at 10:00pm MST.
Disclaimer: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter provided me with a free
Coupon of their product to giveaway, and I was under no obligation to review it if
I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or
Sponsor a product giveaway in return.
Fit Moms for Life Giveaway and Review USA/Canada $19.99 + 4 Free Bonuses $59 Value!
The problem is once those shoes were laced up...many of us lost our way to maintain physical fitness in our daily stressful and hectic lives. The longer the stretch becomes/became...the more difficult and challenging it is to find the time and energy to spend on ourselves to make a positive change physically...which in turn will create a better and happier you.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to review and giveaway an amazing Mom Book that EVERY Mom out there can learn from. It is called....
This amazing, easy to read book chronicles the successes of 31 mothers who used Dustin’s fitness and weight loss program with stellar successes.
This book is so motivating as the 31 mothers, are just like you and I. How perfect, real Mom's with REAL success stories and photos! Yes, photos....amazing photos that will truly help get you started on your fitness journey for yourself, your child and your husband!
Dustin covers the five pillars of fitness: Mindset, Nutrition, Strength Training, Burst Training, and Environment.
Ultimately leading to the end goal: Staying Fit for Life.
Fit Moms for Life is perfect for Mothers (and women in general) who want a fitness program that works. Dustin Maher says:
• Traditional Cardio Doesn’t Lose Fat
• You Can’t Work Out to Compensate for Poor Eating
• See Results 9 Times Faster With Burst Training
• Learn ONE Exercise That Shrinks a Waistline WITHOUT diet changes
• Burn Fat While You Sleep
• A Healthy Environment Equals A More Fit Family
Are you ready to start this challenge to better yourself and your body. I know I am and loving my new journey thanks to this fantastic book...and a few new weights I have purchased....but it is well worth it!
Dustin’s inspiration to help moms comes from his nurturing upbringing and continued close relationship with his own mom. Dustin has helped thousands of women get in amazing shape all over the US and the world.
He has been on TV close to 100 times and has been in many magazines, newspapers, radio shows, has over 250 YouTube videos, and over 450 articles and videos on his website.
Dustin's website Alexa ranking around 300K and he has an email list of 7000K. Dustin is also hosting his own Fit Moms for Life talk radio show. To learn more, please checkout Dustin’s website at www.DustinMaherFit.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Oransi Robby Wash Ball ( Laundry ) Giveaway / Review $32.95 Value
As a busy mother of three little boys and a husband (need I say more?) life seems to revolve around laundry.
The simple, but time consuming task of laundry at our house is a challenge. My middle son has eczema very bad and his skin is sensitive to most products including numerous laundry soaps/detergents.
And I need to make sure to now 8 year old son loves to help with the laundry...oh boy!!
But thanks to a great product review and Giveaway I had the opportunity to experience, laundry day at our house has gotton easier Thanks to.....
Oransi – - has launched in the U.S. an ultra high efficiency hypoallergenic laundry detergent ball called "Robby Wash" (retail price $32.95 each) with the following money-saving benefits:
- 10 ounces of Robby Wash ball replaces 75 lbs. of traditional laundry detergent - environmentally friendly.
- One Robby Wash ball lasts up to 12 months. The ball itself will last 3 years.

I truly enjoy the simpleness of the Robby Wash Ball. What an amazing concept!
So do you want to try out a Robby Wash Ball? Enter for your change to win below and Good Luck! Let the Laundry Gods be with you :-)
Win $54.85 in TortillaLand Tortillas!!! February Freebies Giveaway Hop
February Freebies Giveaway Hop
Friday, February 17, 2012
Friday Deal with the help of
Guess what I found the other day…being the bargain and deal orientated person I am….
I was thrilled to find dealnews and surprised I have never heard of it before. Let me tell you what it is all about. Every day (365 days a year) dealnews makes my life simply by hunting all over the internet and listing all the best technology deal for the day. Technology? Yes, like tablets, computers, gadget and things of that sort.
Do you love Black Friday? I know I do. dealnews searches the web to share their great finds including the best 200+ tech deals every day, just like Black Friday.
If technology is not your interest, dealnews also shares the best deal for items like clothing and footwear to travel found on the Internet.
How does dealnews find all these excellent bargains? Wow, they scour over 2,000 online retailers and tens of thousands of deals!!! And then dealnews provides what they find each day to their followers.
Imagine all the money you can save thanks to the work of dealnews. I am so excited to see the savings roll in. I was looking yesterday and look what I found continuously supplies the coolest and best bargains for technology gadgets, computers, electronics, clothing deals, and more! If you love deals 365 days of the year then is the site for you!
Look what I found, to help with my food obsession. A silicone cake mould w/ 3-Piece Vacuum Lid Sealer Set for only for $6.99 with free shipping.
I almost forget….if you don’t want to miss a deal on something you are waiting and wanting to buy, you can set up an awesome email alert, so you don’t miss out! As soon as your deal you have been waiting for goes live, you get the email notification within minutes. How it that for service! Not sure what you are looking for? You can subscribe to the dealnews Select Newsletter, so you will receive a daily selection of the best of the best that dealnews has to offer.
What kind of deals are you going to find today? I would love to hear what you found, please share in the comments below….and good luck finding your money saving bargains every day!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Using Clipix with YouTube Videos
It is called clipix.
Just in case you missed my last post about Clipix. I made my personal account online with Clipix within a matter of minutes. It was so simple and they provide easy to follow directions to walk you through the process.
The most challenging part of the process was dragging a bookmark called a “clip” button into my bookmarks bar…but thanks to Clipix easy to follow directions…it was a breeze. You have to take this step as that is how you fill your personalized clipboards with images and information. You know, the images and information that in the past you would not be able to find again. All you do is click on the Clipix button when you are on a site you want to remember and store.
I am learning daily on what other features Clipix offers. The newest feature I found and love is that you can
Clipix videos into your customized clipboards. It is so simple. I headed over to youtube and found some of my favorite…make you smile videos and created a clipboard to share with everyone.
But if you can set each clipboard to whatever privacy setting you chose, such as your eyes only and just friends. You can also reclip and share you clips on facebook and twitter with the click of a button.
Do you have an I-phone? Clipix has an App so you can take photos on the go and add them to your clipboards.
It is so much fun using Clipix and I enjoy creating more and more clipboards at the clip of a button. They are so easy to organize. I can’t wait to create more clipboards like…favorite activities to do with my boys, Graduation gifts, plans for my next big party…the possibilities are endless thanks to Clipix.
Come on over to Clipix and join me today.
Promoted Post
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Zoe for Kids Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Fruity and Delightful Review
I had no idea such a fun and truly enjoyable Organic Olive Oil existed that was created to please your child's palette.
What an innovative, smart idea and packaging. A product that has it's heart in the right place....attempting to get our children eating healthy from the beginning. Studies suggest that eating around 2 Tablespoons of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Of course I had to try Zoe for Kids before I shared it with my boys and it is amazing. It is so fruity and I don't know if this will make sense...but it is not oily...yes, I know it is Olive Oil, but it doesn't have the oil mouth feel or taste. I could easily drink it by the shot glass.
The pour spout was easy to pull up out of the can and pour. I loved the smaller size, which I believe encourages children to use Zoe for Kids more often. We now keep our can of Zoe on the table for all meals. My boys are HUGE pasta fans and are now choosing Zoe over butter on their pasta!! They love the flavor and can't get enough of it.
sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if
I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.