
Sunday, October 13, 2013

It Works! Body Wrap Ultimate Body Applicator Giveaway / Review $30 Value US/Canada

Disclaimer: SaskBodyWraps provided me with a free samples of their product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product and giveaway.

Are you ready for the great Holiday parties and events to start? 

Do you have the perfect outfit in mind to make a grand entrance that everyone will be talking about well into 2014?

Or are you like most of us, that have the perfect outfit hanging in your closet collecting dust.  Layers and layers of dust because you just can't get rid of those last few pounds or inches to make it look and fit just right?

I know after losing over 50 pounds in little over a years time...3 c-sections.....major abdominal surgery for cancer....another major abdominal surgery...and mid-section is not what it use to be. 

Even after running my first and hopefully not last 1/2 Marathon two weeks ago, I am still not happy with the way my mid-section looks.  Don't get me wrong...I wear my...many scars with pride.  They remind me of how far I have come and that I am a survivor.  But the small area of sag, underneath my belly button area is less than impressive looking.  Most outfits I wear, you would never guess what is lurking beneath.  But anything shear and form fitting shows off my hidden secret.

But, my hidden mid-section secret is starting to vanish!!!  It is on its way out the door thanks to an awesome product I have had the opportunity to try and one lucky person is going to win their own It Works! Body Wrap - Ultimate Body Applicator - a $30 Value (enter below for your chance to win!).

It is called It Works! Body Wrap and I tried two of the Ultimate Body Applicators.  You can learn more about this All Natural Application that can used anywhere on your body by visiting SaskBodyWraps.

I must admit when my review samples arrived I was excited to give them a try, but really didn't expect to see much.  As how could a simple wrap help my mid-section (let alone other problem areas on people like their chin, neck, back, upper legs, sides and even arms)?

I read the informational flyer and instructions first.  I learned The It Works Body Wrap can help with reducing cellulite, scarring and lifting loose skin.  And an added benefit for many is targeted fat reduction and loss of inches.  

The Ultimate Body Applicator doesn't contain any mineral oil, lanolin, propylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol, artificial colorants, synthetic fragrances or animal by-products.  And it is NOT tested on animals.  

It Works! is committed to creating naturally based products that are both safe and effective.

The instrucations recommend to make sure your skin is clean and dry before applying your It Works!  Applicator.  And if it is your first time wearing the applicator for 45 minutes, to test your skin's sensitivity to the natural active ingredients. 

Just open the package and remove the applicator (but make sure you take before photos or at least measurements).    
Then unfold the applicator and apply it to the area of your body you want to target.  In order to keep the applicator in place use tight fitting clothing over the applicator or some saran wrap. 

I used one of my tight fitting workout tops and that was perfect.  I loved the way my skin felt when wear the applicator and even after I took it off and threw it away.  I felt a cool, tingling sensation.  It reminded me of menthol chest rub.  It smelled nice and had a menthol aroma. 

I was curious how my skin would fair as I have very sensitive skin.  Well, great didn't bother me at all.  And after I took the applicator off I rubbed the extra lotion into my skin as recommended. 

I waited the the suggested 72 hours before using my other It Works! Body Wrap.  This time I put it on before bed and held it in place with one of my workout tops again. It stayed in place and I woke up feeling great.  When I took the applicator off all the lotion had soaked into my skin, so I didn't have to rub anything in. 

I bet you are all wondering if the It Works! Ultimate Body Applicator Worked for me?

I am thrilled and over joyed to shout out "IT DID WORK!  IT WORKS! WORKS!!!".

I measured three area over my mid-sections.  Two of the areas were covered with the applicator and one was not.  The area that wasn't covered remained exactly the same.  The areas that were covered with the applicator......

I lost 1/2 inch in each of these areas!  Yes, a total of 1 inch lost in just 72 hours (with two applications).  Wow!!!!

Thank you It Works!

My question now is...will the results last?  According the the flyer that came with my samples..."The Ultimate Body Applicator helps tighten, tone and firm in a manner that produces lasting results.  As is true with any weight loss or body contouring product, you can reverse the results you see from the Ultimate Body Applicator with poor eating habits and lack of exercise."

So you will have to wait and hear back from me.  I will update this post once the winner has been selected to see if my results have reminded.

Good Luck Everyone.  And don't forget you do not have to wait and see if you won to experience the It Works? Body can order your own today.

If you are a social media hound like me, don't forget to follow via Facebook and Twitter to learn more about It Works!

Disclaimer: SaskBodyWraps provided me with a free samples of their product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product and giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have rather large thighs and would love to use the wraps so I can more comfortably fit into my pants

  2. I would like to win so that I could try it out. Thanks.

  3. I would love to win this for my niece's upcoming wedding!

  4. I have used them before, they are nice:)

  5. I want to win because have been wanting try it.

  6. I've seen many posts on facebook talking about how great these are. I'd love to actually try them for myself.

  7. I want to win this because actually I am skeptical. Can it really work? I want to see for myself.

  8. i want to win so i can try it out for myself and see if it works before i buy it

  9. melissaandkeith millerNovember 3, 2013 at 5:43 PM

    i have heard they work great

  10. I want to win because I have been wanting to try these!

  11. Have a lot of cellulite Rosanne

  12. For my belly.. i'd had a lot of babies.

  13. The Ultimate Body Applicator is applied anywhere on your body where you want to tighten, tone, and firm.

  14. i want to win so i can try it out for myself and see if it works before i buy it


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