
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Anthony's Pot-Sized Pasta Review and Chance to win $100 by voting for a Cooking Shortcut

Disclosure statement: I received this product from Anthony's Pasta but that the opinion in my review is my own and other compensation was received.

Busy life, Busy family, Busy job, Busy everything!!!

Why not make at least one or two things in your life easier?  I know if I can find a short cut that actually works I am in heaven, knowing I will have a few extra minutes to get other busy work done.

Many years ago I came up with my own shortcut when it came to home cooking.  I would make HUGE batches of my family's favorite recipes and then portion them out and freeze them.  Can you say a home cooked meal on a hectic day without all the work?  It is fantastic!!!

Two of my favorite, go-to recipes that I always have on hand in the freezer is my homemade meatballs homemade pasta sauce.  I actually make two different size meatballs.  The larger ones are perfect for meatball subs and the smaller meatballs go perfect with pasta and sauce.

Speaking of of my biggest pet peeves is always having to snap the long spaghetti noodles before adding them into a pot of boiling water.  Can you say messy?  Or how about little tiny pieces of noodles...everywhere!!!  And then all the extra clean up!  uggg.

But, I am so excited to announce that Anthony's pasta was reading my mind and loves short cuts too!  They have created pot-size more breaking noodles!  These are perfect pot size and each box is comparable to a typical size package of long noodles. 

Thank you Anthony's Pasta for thinking "outside the box" (no pun intended).  You have created a short cut for my family and myself!

I love your "Share Your Shortcut" Promotion on your Facebook page.  What a great way for all us shortcut "experts" to share our ideas and simplify others lives.

Vote for my Kitchen Short-cut on Anthony's Pasta Facebook Page.

I have shared my short cut - for making large batches of home cooked favorites and freezing them into family sized portions so you can have home cooked meals even on the busiest days.  I would love for you to vote for my short cut.

And the best part is...

With your vote you will be entered into a weekly drawing to win a $100 American Express gift card from Anthony's Pasta!  And there are 6 weekly drawings!  The contest started today (2-6-14) and ends on March 19, 2014.  So please vote everyday for my Shortcut!!!  It is simple just head on over to Anthony's Pasta Facebook Page and vote here.


  1. Wow these sound awesome thank you for sharing. I always have sauce in the freezer since my daughter loves pasta when I make it I make tons to make sure she has some when she wants it. This pasta sounds great thank you for sharing

  2. Pot sized noodles sound awesome! I'll definitely take a look around for these at the grocery store :)


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