Sweet Miss Keet Peanuts!
She is such a sweet, but smoking addition to the Lord Nut Levington Family.
I feel such a connection with this amazing and flavorful gang. I had the opportunity to review their amazing family tree last August. Including Rebel Mary, Momma Mia, Thai Dyed,Cinnapplooza and El Cheddarales.
Well, everyone let me tell you about this fantastic new member Sweet Miss Keet.
Peanuts which are totally and completely enrobed by the seasoning gods! Smokey and sweet by the use of Pineapple and Mesquite. It makes me think of Grilled Pineapple....As by grilling pineapple it really brings out the sweetness with the addition of smoke.
Hail Sweet Miss Keet! You are sure to be a fan favorite!
Don't miss out on family events and facts from the Lord Nut Levington on Facebook.....Twitter....or their web page.
Disclaimer: Lord Nut Levington provided me with s free
sample of their products to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if
I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free products
sample of their products to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if
I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free products
I learned this from cashnetsweeps.com