
Monday, December 2, 2013

Give the Gift of #GreatFutures. Help the Boys & Girls Clubs of America #MC

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Boys and Girls Clubs of America. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.”

Many times the Holidays are consumed with spending a ton of money to give the biggest and most expensive gift.

So, please take the time to reflect on the true meaning of the Holidays and visit the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 3rd annual Give the Gift of #GreatFutures website. Visit this site to vote in the Kids Give Back contest, which features BGCA kids giving back in their communities throughout the year.  You can create holiday gift tags with the Gift TagGenerator and learn tips to inspire your kids to give back in your community. I love the tips about volunteering together as a family and having guests bring a small gift that can be donated during holiday parties. Don't forget to check out your local Boys & Girls Clubs’ website to find ways to volunteer in your community!

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