
Monday, September 9, 2013

What's your Healthy? Join Twitter Chat @FitnessMagazine and @Aetna #AetnaMyHealthy

What's Your Healthy?

What a great question and I feel we all have our own personal experiences and thoughts as to "What's Your Healthy".

I know being a mom of 3 very busy boys, wife, cancer survivor, employed full-time working outside of the home, blogger when everyone is sleeping, and with a personal weight loss success story (over 50 pounds) - My new Healthy has changed and so has changed my family.

I am proud to say I have made my personal health and positive life choices a new priority.  I work out everyday. Yes, EVERYDAY!  And I a proud of how far I have come.  I am proud of how strong I am and the role model I have become for my boys.  I am proud that I am now able to keep up with my boys and look forward to each day. I feel I am a much happier person. 

I am proud of the personal lifestyle choices I have made.  I am proud of making better food choices most of the time.  I am proud of finding new ways to make my healthy lifestyle work.  I am proud that I have run 8 road races since May of this year (I even placed 1st in my age group in one of the 5K races I ran this year!).  

And I am very excited and proud that I have signed up for my 1st 1/2 Marathon - that I will be running in the end of this month.  Not only am I proud of this - my boys are too and can't wait to be part of my cheering section!

Okay enough of my "proud" moments!

What's Your Healthy?

I would love to hear your story and better yet.....

What are you doing Thursday September 12, 2013 from 2 to 3pm EST?

Come join @Aeta and friends for a national conversation on "what's your healthy?".  Learn about tips and tricks on how to get fit, eat healthy and feel great! #AetnaMyHealthy .

The two great  host for this Twitter Chat are:
Keri Gans @kerigans who is a registered Dietitian and panelist
Christie Griffin @FitnessMagazine who is Fitness Magazine's Digital Director

Need more details?

Check out and learn more today.  Can't wait to see you there. 

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