
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Stories from the Bright Side Funny Feeding Stories. Enter to win!

“This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Happy Family blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.”
As a mother of three little boys, I smile looking back at all the food adventures we have had.  I say smile as I do now, that these memorable events are over.  I am sure many of you are smirking right now thinking back to your own feeding stories from your little ones.  So when I was offered the opportunity to share my personal opinions with a sponsored post for a great and fun campaign called "Stories from the Bight Side"; I jumped right in.
My only problem is I have so many funny child food stories, where do I begin?
I of course could talk about those high chair baby days, when food could and did go flying, almost on a daily basis.  Or...
I could share the food story about my oldest son when he was under a year old; crawling outside in the lawn.  When my hubby and I turned around he had gotten over to the cucumber patch.  Not only had he made it to the patch he had a cucumber that was still attached to the vine in his mouth and was trying to crawl away with it.  Oh my gosh...that was funny!!
And how about the time the photo below was taken of my youngest son.....
 First of all...What do you think he was thinking of our Crawfish boil party?  Well, I think you are right.  He thought was "mud bugs" "I DON'T THINK SO".  We had so much food fun making the crawfish talk to him.  I use the word "we" as he wasn't enjoying the experience.  We still talk about this today and laugh.

And the next photo....

Do I need to say more?  Food and children is just a recipe for fun and laughs.
Now that I am done laughing at many of our family friendly food adventures; I would love to hear yours.  And better than just hearing yours, guess what? 
Did I hear a what?  That is what I thought....
The "Stories from the Bright Side" Campaign sponsored by the Happy Family would love for you to submit your own Funny Feeding Story on their Happy Family Facebook page.  You can submit your own personal story via video, written story (like I did above) and image around food and your kids.
After you submit your story via their Facebook page all the entries will be judged and you will have a chance to win a $20,000 towards college (all the rules and yahda yahda yahda are on their facebook page)!  So quick head on over and like the Happy Family on Facebook.

Plus you can get a 50 cent coupon and a $1 off Happy Tot or Happy Baby Pouches.
Don't forget to check out the humorous Share Happy Family produced Videos.  I love how Happy Family has partnered with 7 daddy and mommy bloggers to being their "Funny Feeding" stories to life.  I think so far my favorite is Candy Kirby.  Which one do you like or find the most funny?
I just realized...Did I forget to tell you what Happy Family is all about?  Well, silly me...I did.  Let me tell you little about Happy Family.
Happy Family is the first organic brand to offer a complete line of nutrient-rich foods for babies’, toddlers’, and kids’.  And as an added selling point this business is owned and operated by Moms!  Happy Family offered many different brands including...Happy Baby, Happy Tot, Happy Bellies, Happy Puffs, Happy Yogis, Happy Squeeze and many more!  Happy Family believes that every baby deserves to be a happy baby. With every product sold, the company supports Project Peanut Butter, a nonprofit that feeds starving children in Malawi, Mali and Sierra Leone.
Do I have your interest sparked?  If so don't forgot to learn more about Happy Family via social media and even where you can find Happy Family:
Where can you purchase Happy Family - Store locator:
Happy Family on Twitter
Happy Family on Facebook
Happy Family on Pinterest
Happy Family YouTube
I can't wait to see and hear about all your "Stories from the Bright Side"!  And Good luck if you take the time to enter this fabulous giveaway!
“This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Happy Family blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.”

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