
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Calling All Moms! Jobs and Education!

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As a Mom, Wife and Full time working person out of the home during the day and blogging at home in the evening.  I feel everyone should understand the correlation between jobs and education; which in turn can equal more money.

I know we all love to think that money doesn't buy happiness.  And I can say that is definitely true.  But come on fellow Moms!  Money does help create a better functioning family and less stress when it comes to how we are going to pay the bills and feed our families. 

I know college, especially later in live can feel like a daunting task.  But, first by set you goals and what job or should I say career are you wanting?  How about something in accounting as the Infographic which was provided courtesy of Vista College shows that a career in this field ranks as one of the happiest for working moms.  And not only does accounting rank as the only takes approximately 2.5 years of college.  Think about your children and how quick 2.5 years have went by!  You call into the work force with an education is do-able! 

And I almost forgot to mention the 2.5 years that is could take to get your dream job in accounting can be done right online.  So you can get your education in the comfort of your own home.  So now you don't have an excuse!

Calling All Moms

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