
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Excited for the Move

Excited for the Move

Guest post by Gerard Mcdaniel

I am so excited to move! I really can’t wait to start my new job but more than that I’m so excited to finally move into my first single family home. I’ve owned a condo here in Georgia for a while but you know, I thought it was time to buy a house so that when I got married we’d have enough room and so the dog would have a yard, too. I’ve been looking into electric companies in Dallas to make sure I’ve got all my utilities set up and I’ve been working with the relocation agent to settle all the final details with the house. I’ve always wanted a house that I could put work into and make my own and the little bungalow I found back in June is just going to be perfect. My parents tell me they’re really proud of me and I think I have to say I’m proud of me, too. In this economy when so many of my friends are moving in with their parents and out of work I’m happy that I have a job and a good one at that. I’ve been with the same company for 6 years now and I love it – I really can’t wait to start my new position but I’m worried about how hard it’s going to be to manage other people. My boss tells me I’m a natural born leader, though, and that I won’t have any problems with this role. I hope he’s right! Texas is going to be a big adjustment for me but I’m really excited to get started and to make new friends and maybe even find a girlfriend once I move. Georgia has been good to me but it’s time for something new and fresh and this opportunity was just too good for me to pass up when it landed in my lap. Not too many 28 year olds get this kind of chance and I plan on taking full advantage of every minute of it!

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