
Monday, September 3, 2012

My secret play to survive Football Season this year...B-Dubs

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Buffalo Wild Wings for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Lord help my family and I!!!

Football Season is being, which in years past has meant the annihilation of family time on the weekends.  But I have a great idea this football season to keep our family in tacked.

Okay, everyone…huddle…huddle…huddle…Protect the football. Get to B-Dubs

Yes, B-dubs.  I know you are thinking I have lost it.  Football season has gone to my brain.  Wrong!!  B-dubs is a way to make everyone in your family happy and content.  Yes, not just my football loving..or should I say worshiping husband…it will make our entire family smile this football season.

The trick to this sneak play is to head on over to your local Buffalo Wild Wings.  If  you have never been there before, let me share what it is.  Buffalo Wild Wings is a sports bar with a complete full menu.  It is a very comfortable and relaxed place where people can hand out with their family and friends.bdubs_newlogo_black_hor.jpg

Don’t worry, as B-dubs as I like to call Buffalo Wild Wings is child friendly.  So your football lover, whom ever that might be can be engrossed in the game and your kids and you can be chowing down on some amazing foods from the diverse menu that includes no weird stuff.  I know my boys love almost everything at B-Dubs.  It is a win, win for everyone involved. 

Just think…happy family….no dishes…no clean up….and another football game put to rest.

Welcome Football Season…I will prevail thanks to B-dubs! (Who knows??? I may have to sneak back to B-dubs with some of my friends for a girl’s night out…ahhhh!)

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