
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Biggest and Bounciest Giveaway Event Ever! Blogger Sign ups!

Mommy and Baby Reviews is bringing you their BIGGEST and BOUNCIEST Giveaway Event yet!!!
We are giving one of our readers the chance to win a Bounceland Wizard Castle Bounce House!
Accepting 3 Co-Host Spots (6 Links, Backlinks on all posts and button, 1 page like)
2 links for $7.00 (Facebook and Twitter)
3 links for $10.00 ( Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Picket Fence Blogs)
$2.00 each additional link
$10 Host a like page on your site (Only 5 page host Available)
Estimated Start Date June 30, 2012.
Giveaway will run for 30 days.

What are you waiting for Sign your blog up now!!!

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