
Friday, April 6, 2012

Green Works Reverse Grafitti Gallery Sweepstakes. Enter Today to win a trip to LA!

Green Works is such an amazing and giving company.

Did you know they are sponsoring an fantastic Sweepstakes that you can enter on their Facebook page called Reverse Graffiti Gallery?  They are!

I wasn't sure at first what Reverse Graffiti meant until I checked around on Green Works page.  What I found was it a a method of creating art by removing dirt and grime from a dirty surface.

This unique art form taps into the Green Works mantra that cleaning can be beautiful.
So that is how The Reverse Graffiti Gallery was born.

Green Works set out to find a dirty place in L.A. that needs some love. After searching hundreds of blocks, they found the perfect place.

May 29th, is going to be the BIG Green Works cleaning and Reverse Graffiti Day.  By using Green Work products unique pieces of art are going to come to life.

Green Works needs some help.  Do you want to be part of this creative venture?

You need to enter today for a change to win a trip to L.A.

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