
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oregon Chai Giveaway

I was so excited to find out about a twitter party being sponsered by Oregon Chai.  My huband and I love Oregon Chai products.  It is amazing how great they taste to drink as well as to bake with.  One of my new favorites is the Oregon Chai Apple Cheesecake.  You can find the recipe at .  Give it a try and let me know what you think. 

Who knows maybe I can get Oregon Chai to sponser a giveaway on my site.  I would love that as I am sure you would also - give me some feedback and let me know everyone.

Anyway back to the awesome Twitter party.  I actually won one of the giveaways.  I was so excited.  Check out what I was sent:  I had found some "ME TIME" to enjoy my prize.  What a great way to relax and slow down to enjoy life.  Thank you again Oregon Chai

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