“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Clearasil . I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. #sponsored
As a mother of three boys that are growing up way too fast, I find myself remembering life experiences from my childhood....which are triggered by things that are going on within their daily lives. Some of my memories are very fond, others are not so much.
One vivid memory from my childhood is acne! And let me tell you - that was NOT a great experience in the beginning. I still cringe thinking about all the mean words that were said like, "pizza face", "puss pocket" and many other things I can't even bring myself to type.
My mom knew how much my acne was affecting my life and bought some "stuff" at the store that was suppose to help with my acne. That "stuff" was called Clearasil. And let me tell you it did amazing things to my face and cleared up my acne!
So now that my oldest son is growing up and his hormones are in full swing - and what goes hand in hand with hormones...yes acne.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think Clearasil would still be an acne treatment option. But I was so pleased to see this product was still being sold and even with new options like the Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Gel Wash and the Clearasil Daily Clear Hydra-Blast Oil Free Face Wash.
I couldn't wait to introduce this daily skin care regimen to my son and wait to see the results. The results both on the outside and the inside(his soul and personality). So when our free Clearasil products arrived so did our new and long term adventure for acne free skin.
He loved that the daily use Clearasil Daily Clear Hydra-Blast Oil Free Face Wash didn't smell all girly. As it has a nice clean fresh scent that is perfect for anyone. He found it easy to use in the morning, as all he has to do is wet his face down and use his hands to apply a thin layer on his face and then rinse. It is so quick and easy!
You can use the Hydra-Blast up to 3 times a day, but we found using it in the morning and before bed worked great for his skin. It didn't make it dry and keep the oil in check.
As mom is has been great watching my son's self confidence improve as he completion has cleared up . So far we haven't had to use the Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Gel Wash. I learned by checking out the Clearasil website, this product is to help manage acne prone skin areas and breakouts. So we are ready when that time comes. Thank you Clearasil for standing the test of time and making a huge different is so many young and older peoples lives.
I am proud to be a #ClearasilMom and can't wait to share my love from the roof tops and social media, of course. Like Clearasil's Facebook and Twitter pages.
As a mother of three boys that are growing up way too fast, I find myself remembering life experiences from my childhood....which are triggered by things that are going on within their daily lives. Some of my memories are very fond, others are not so much.
One vivid memory from my childhood is acne! And let me tell you - that was NOT a great experience in the beginning. I still cringe thinking about all the mean words that were said like, "pizza face", "puss pocket" and many other things I can't even bring myself to type.
My mom knew how much my acne was affecting my life and bought some "stuff" at the store that was suppose to help with my acne. That "stuff" was called Clearasil. And let me tell you it did amazing things to my face and cleared up my acne!
So now that my oldest son is growing up and his hormones are in full swing - and what goes hand in hand with hormones...yes acne.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think Clearasil would still be an acne treatment option. But I was so pleased to see this product was still being sold and even with new options like the Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Gel Wash and the Clearasil Daily Clear Hydra-Blast Oil Free Face Wash.
I couldn't wait to introduce this daily skin care regimen to my son and wait to see the results. The results both on the outside and the inside(his soul and personality). So when our free Clearasil products arrived so did our new and long term adventure for acne free skin.
He loved that the daily use Clearasil Daily Clear Hydra-Blast Oil Free Face Wash didn't smell all girly. As it has a nice clean fresh scent that is perfect for anyone. He found it easy to use in the morning, as all he has to do is wet his face down and use his hands to apply a thin layer on his face and then rinse. It is so quick and easy!
You can use the Hydra-Blast up to 3 times a day, but we found using it in the morning and before bed worked great for his skin. It didn't make it dry and keep the oil in check.
As mom is has been great watching my son's self confidence improve as he completion has cleared up . So far we haven't had to use the Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Gel Wash. I learned by checking out the Clearasil website, this product is to help manage acne prone skin areas and breakouts. So we are ready when that time comes. Thank you Clearasil for standing the test of time and making a huge different is so many young and older peoples lives.
I am proud to be a #ClearasilMom and can't wait to share my love from the roof tops and social media, of course. Like Clearasil's Facebook and Twitter pages.