
Monday, December 31, 2012

Winter you are no match for me and my No nonsense leggings and tights! #StyleMadeEasy

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of No nonsense for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Just because it is cold outside doesn’t mean you have to dress like a bundled up frumpy person.  Think outside the box, yet stay comfortable and cozy.  I am sure you by now you are thinking I have lost my mind.  But trust me I have not. 

I was thrilled to be selected to review two new and stylish leg wear from No nonsense (No nonsense tights and leggings).  I received a one pair of super soft and warm brown corduroy leggings and a pair of heather grey patterned control top tights.  My mind ran in circles trying to decide what outfits I could great with my new No nonsense leg wear.  I am not a girly girl, but I do like to look nice and yet be comfortable.  I may not be a fashion plate but that doesn’t mean I can’t stand out every once in a while.

And stand out is just what I am going to do.  Look at my paring with my super stretchy and heavy reddish dress and my No nonsense patterned tights.  I can’t believe how different this outfit looks with the addition on these tights.  Typically I would just wear some nude colored pantyhose.  But, my new tights totally have transformed my dress into a statement (and this transformation is affordable!)  And I do like the control top feature, especially with this form fitting dress.  It will help keep everything in place.  Thank you No nonsense.

I was surprised at how many different outfits I could come up with wearing my new No nonsense corduroy leggings.  And truly they feel like I am still wearing my pjs.  So least to say, these are my absolute favorite leggings I have ever owned.  The waist band is so comfortable and do not bind at all.  I chose a shirt that has a lot of different colors including some brown that tie my leggings in perfectly.  I must say that this shirt looks so different with leggings that my traditional dress pants.  I love my new affordable look.  Winter you are no match for me and my No nonsense leg wear.

If you want to explore this great new line from No nonsense you don’t have to look very far.  Just head to you locate food and drug stores as well as mass retail stores to pick up a pair or two today. 

And if you need some legging advice don’t worry.  Keep an eye out for Jill Martin, the new face of No nonsense.  Jill is offering advice how to enjoy and where the new legging line from No nonsense.  Plus, don't forget to check out No nonsense on Facebook and Twitter.

Visit Sponsor's Site

TriCalm Anti-itch Gel Giveaway / Review 2 Winners - Child Friendly

As a mother of 3 young boys and one that suffers terribly from eczema, I am always on the look out for new products that can help relieve skin irritations.  Especially those pesky irritations that make you want to scratch all your skin off.

But, I find it challenging to find products that are kid friendly, stop the itch and do not burn when applied.

So when I was given the opportunity thanks to Moms Meet to review and giveaway full size tubes of TriCalm I couldn't wait to see how it would perform.  You can learn more about TriCalm on their Facebook and Twitter pages.

So, once our TriCalm arrived I had to sample it on myself to make sure I was comfortable using it on my children.  I must say TriCalm is a very thin gel, that goes on nice a smooth with a cooling effect.  It does not burn at all.  It had a slight odor that reminded me of rubbing alcohol. 

I also learned TriCalm is FDA-approved (and safe to use daily on children and adults) and does not increase sensitivity to UV rays, so it is safe to use when spending time out in the sun.  I was surprised to find out TriCalm uses COSMEDERM-7 which is a naturally occurring element found in leafy green veggies.  So, it has to be safe!  TriCalm retails for $9.49 for a 2oz tube.  My 2oz tube has lasted a long time, so it is a good value.

I tried it out on my son's itchy patch of eczema on his hand.  He actually didn't complain about it and giggled when I applied it because it was cold.  Guess what?  He stopped complaining about his hand itching, so it worked!  It actually worked on my son!  Thank you TriCalm.

Enter below for your chance to win 1 of 2 full size tubes of TriCalm.  Good Luck!

Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer.  As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog.  My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product.

Purex Baby Infants Liquid Laundry Detergent Giveaway / Review 3 chances to win!

I love being a Purex Insider and a Mother.  As a Purex Insider I receive the opportunity to review great products and share those products with my wonderful followers.

I was recently given the chance to review the world's best smelling baby laundry detergent.

Ahhh the smell....the smell...brought me back to those blissful moments when my boys were tine, tiny infants.  Purex Baby aroma is so gentle and clean.  Don't let the light fragrance worry you. 

Purex Baby is Hypoallergenic and dermatologist it is gentle on your baby's skin (or in my case a son who has terrible skin allergies) but tough on stains and delivers bright, white clean!

I still am in awe on how Purex somehow makes an amazing laundry detergent so affordable, yet it is able to fight the very tough baby stains on their adorable outfits (without hurting them) and still be gentle on their delicate skin.  Purex you shall receive an standing ovation...

Everyone please stand!!!  Yes, that means you! 

Are you lucky and have a high efficiency washer or how about a traditional top-loading washing machine like myself?  Purex Baby will work with them both.  Purex Baby is currently available in 50oz size and soon will be offered in 100 oz size.  Not every store is carrying Purex Baby yet so try using the store locator to find a location close to you.

So I am excited to be given the opportunity to giveaway away 3 FREE coupons for  a bottle of Purex can win more than one if you are lucky!
Enter below for your chance to win and good luck!~
Purex provided me with a sample of Purex Baby detergent in exchange for a product review and giveaway.  However, all opinions expressed here are my own.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Prograde Fitness Workout Recovery Drink and Metabolism Supplement Giveaway / Review $104.90 Value

Are you looking for the highest quality nutritional supplements that really work?

Are you tried of dealing with pushy sales people in all the fitness stores?

How about these pushy sales people trying to sell you supplements that you don't need or want?

Are you scared about the quality of the ingredients in the fitness supplements you are considering taking?

How do you find the correct supplements and the best prices?

That is where Prograde comes in to help conveniently online with no pressure!

I have to say that I love all the information provided at your fingertips from the website.  They are so through with all the necessary information to give you the knowledge base so you can figure out what you need and what may work for you. 

But I must say you have to make the commitment to make healthy food choices and exercise regularly before Prograde can help you!  So if you are ready to start 2013 off on the right foot or even better yet feet; Get ready to learn more and enter for your chance to win 2 of their great quality fitness products.

Prograde offers so many different products that it was difficult to just chose a few to review and giveaway.  But since I am always working out (I am an addict) I chose the Prograde Workout (Vanilla Flavored Recovery Drink) as my first product to review (and giveaway). 

The reason I chose Prograde Workout was because of all the information they shared and it actually made sense.  Did you know according to Prograde..

"The Secret To MORE WEIGHT LOSS FROM EXERCISE Is Drinking The Right Nutrients Within “The Golden 60 minutes” After Your Workout!

Within this “Golden Hour”, you should consume a shake with a 2 to 1 mixture of fast-absorbing carbohydrates, high-concentration proteins and certain other nutrients.

If your body does not get these nutrients it needs right after your workout, you are flushing a lot of your exercise efforts down the drain.

You will also weaken your fat-burning metabolism*. You will also lose muscle, suffer more pain, have more fatigue and your performance will suffer the next time you workout*.

The simple fix is to drink the right shake immediately after your workout.

ProGrade® Workout™ Shake TURNS OFF Your HUNGER and TURNS ON Your FAT BURNING!
This shake has a unique formula that puts everything your body needs after training all into one delicious shake. Designed to target every aspect of weight loss, recovery, lean muscle growth, strength, speed and essential nutrient replenishment."

Prograde Workout is very easy and simple to use (only contains 200 calories per serving w/water and 15 servings per container).  For a smooth and creamy shake just place 2 level scoops (scoop comes in the container) into 8oz of ice cold water or skim milk.  If you like your workout drink a little thinner just add a little more liquid.  I used a blender bottle to mix up my Prograde Workout and it was clump free.  I tried it both with 8 oz of ice cold water and then with a little more.  I preferred it with just the 8 oz of VERY cold water.  But, I must confess I am not much of a vanilla person, so to make Prograde Vanilla Workout more palatable to me I add a little sugar free chocolate syrup mix and then I get the chocolate flavor I so do love. 

I have noticed that my muscles seem to be recovering more quickly and do not remain sore as long since sampling Prograde Workout.

The second Prograde product I chose and will also be giving away to one lucky person is Prograde I thought this was a great fit with the New Year beginning.   

Prograde Metabolism comes in capsule form and the recommended dose is 2 capsules twice a day (morning and afternoon).  Each capsule contains a combination of Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Chromium, Raspberry Ketone, Caffeine Anhydrous, Bitter Orange, Ginger Root Extract, Garlic Root Extract, Cayenne Extract, L-Theanine and Pepper Extract.  These products may assist in boosting your metabolism and general weight loss through thermogenesis. **Only for use in combination with a proper exercise and nutrition program**

Make sure to take Prograde Metabolism with 8 to 12 oz of water as recommended on the packaging.  I found if I did not drink the recommended water, it caused a burning feeling in my throat.  The capsules were reasonable in size and went down with ease.  

Prograde has amazing customer service and offers a 100% 60 day money back guarantee on all products. No questions asked. No weasel clauses. So you can try out Prograde for yourself risk free!  You can learn even more about Prograde by
following them on Google+.

I think Prograde's attitude towards fitness is amazing.  They only use the highest quality ingredients. No shortcuts or cheap imitations.  That is how and why they offer their 60 day money back guarantee.  Plus the shipping on Prograde products are very reasonable and many times free.

So are you ready for 2013?  Why not enter below for your chance to win this great fitness prize from Prograde - a $104.90 Value!  Good Luck and Great Fitness!!!

    *Prograde statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Prograde products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using Prograde products.**

Disclaimer: I was provided with a free sample to review/giveaway, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

Almondia Cookies Giveaway / Review $30 Value- Delicious Cookie without the Guilt!

Two words...

Addictive Crunch!

What am I talking about?

I am talking about and sharing the chance for everyone to win a "Delicious Cookie without the Guilt".

A cookie with only 30 calories!  No Cholesterol and no added fat, salt or preservatives!

Like I said before a "Delicious Cookie without the guilt". 

Let us ring in the New Year to Health and Better Food Choices.


A family recipe since 1929, Almondina was introduced to the world in 1989 with the Classic Original flavor (Almonds and raisins) and has expanded with eight more distinctive variations.  But each of these variations ring true to the first Almondina crated by Grandma Dina - they all contain Almonds. 
I was pleasantly surprised at how thin and perfectly cut each of the Almondina cookies were, even through the beautiful almonds.
And even better yet, a serving size is 4 delicious and crunchy cookies has less than 140 calories.  My only problem is Almondina's are addictive and only enjoying 4 is a HUGE challenge!
With so many different flavors to chose from, I can't imagine you not finding at least one you can't live without.  Including the following flavors:
Original, Chocolate Cherry, Choconut, Cinnaroma, Gingerspice, AlmonDuo, AnniversaryT, Seasonal Pumpkin Spice, Sesame, BranTreats (made with oat bran and the finest cinnamon creating a cookie for breakfast) and Chocolate Dipped Original Almondina
Pictured above are the Original Almondina and the Chocolate Cherry Almondina.  I must confess, even with the wonderful crunch of these cookies, some how the fruit (be it the raisins or cherries) retains its chewiness. 
And I love the Sesame Almondina.  It is so crunchy, but lighter than the other Almondina cookies.  The sesame flavor truly shines and I love them with a nice hot mug of coffee.
Other ways to enjoy Almondina cookies is with tea, soft cheeses, dessert wines or just as a simple and healthy snack. 
Don't worry if you do not win this giveaway.  As you can now purchase Almondina as Walmart, Cost Plus World Market, TJ Maxx, Marshalls and many other retailers.  Use this great store finder to locate the closest store that carries Almondina by you.
I love the Almondina (YZ Enterprises, Inc.) mission:
"To Put A Delicious Healthful Cookie On Every Table."
So enter below for your chance to win the great sampler pack like I received.  Good Luck and here's to your health in 2013.
Disclaimer: I was provided with a free sample to review/giveaway, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

Week 27 Nutrisystem - Lord Help Me!! #NSNation

Week 27- on Nutrisystem and I made it through Christmas...but did indulge..(I didn't think that much!)  And I know I enjoyed too many salty foods...boy am I retaining a lot of water (I think).  I did take Christmas day off from working out - but only have missed two workouts since starting with Nutrisystem.

I must confess...this is the first week I actually thought about fudging on what my scale showed.  I was mortified!!!  I couldn't believe the numbers!!!  It was shocking to me!  There is no way the scale can be correct!!  I do not want to be this close to the end with my Nutrisystem experience and have the scale climb back up.

I am not sure if the substantial increase on the scale it is all water being retained or that and some muscle growth again..since my new work out is an AS* Kicker.  I know my clothes fit just fine...and I even did my measurements and as you can see below; I am very proud of losing 37 inches!!!  And I have lost more inches within the last month - even another .5" off my waist.

Waist - Total lost 9"
Chest - Total lost 6.25"
Hips - Total lost 9.25"
Thighs - Total lost 9"
Upper Arms - Total lost 3.5"
Total Lost - 37 Inches!!!

I keep thinking about what my Nutrisystem support person Meredith always is not about the scale and number, it is about making healthier choices for yourself.  I know I have come a very long way with the help and support of Nutrisystem.  I am very proud of my accomplishments and how I now look!

This week I.....

gained 6.2 pounds!!

And I have only missed 2 workout since starting Nutrisystem.
Week 1 - lost 3.5 pounds
Week 2 - lost 3.5 pounds
Week 3 - lost 2.8 pounds
Week 4 - lost 1.6 pounds
Week 5 - lost 5.8 pounds
Week 6 - lost 3.5 pounds
Week 7 - lost 1.8 pounds

Week 8 - gained 1.8 pounds
Week 9 - lost 5.2 pounds
Week 10 - lost 4.8 pounds
Week 11 - lost .4 pounds

Week 12 - lost 2 pounds
Week 13 - lost 3.8 pounds
Week 14 - gained .2pounds
Week 15 - lost 2.6 pounds
Week 16 - lost 4.6 pounds
Week 17 - lost .4 pounds
Week 18 - lost 1.8 pounds
Week 19 -lost 2 pounds
Week 20 - gained 1.4 pounds
Week 21 - lost 1.4 pounds
Week 22 - gained 1.6 pounds
Week 23 - lost 2.2 pounds
Week 24 - gained 4.2 pounds
Week 25 - lost 1.8 pounds
Week 26 - lost 2.8 pounds
Week 27 - gained 6.2  pounds

Total Weight Loss So Far after 27 weeks on Nutrisystem
43.0 pounds.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

Nutriystem is have an amazing New Year's Sale if you want to is the time and you can save some amazing money!


Disclaimer: Nutrisystem provided me with my food and support program free
of charge for participation in the Nutrisystem.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Australian Made - French Milled Natural Soap Review

Fragrant Natural Soap from Australia..

Who would have thought this beautiful country would make and offer for sale premium and natural soaps that are available for purchase in  the USA.  Email inquires are welcome with questions to
Australian Soap sent me three of their French-milled soap bars for review.  I first was curious what French-milled meant.  I learned this process produces a consistent premium quality soap bar.  It increases the lathering effect and makes the bar much more durable and long lasting.  So it creates a bar of soap that is worth its money and you will not wash most of it down your drain.
I also found out that Australian Soap is crafted with plant oil (no animal fats are used) so it will not dry out your skin.  So, if you skin is not dry you will need to use less lotions, which saves money in the long run.
I was delighted at the strong fragrances of the three bars I was sent to review.  I could actually smell them prior to opening up the package they arrived in.  Each time I have used my Australian Soap I am able to enjoy the fragrance throughout the day and my skin feels moisturized.  I did save one of the bars and have tucked it into my wardrobe cabinet.  It leaves my clothing smelling fresh and beautiful. 
Don't worry that you will not be able to afford Australian Soap.  They offer amazing deals like:

  • Rewards Program (a thank you for repeat customers)
  • Orders over $30 SHIP FREE
  • Orders over $15 SHIP FOR $5
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • So find you favorite bars and place a great order today to pamper your mind and body.

    I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

    Thursday, December 27, 2012

    Perfective Ceuticals - Replenish Moisture Cream for Sensitive Skin Review

    A little goes a long ways.

    Only two small applications a day.

    Enliven your face and neck skin.

    Hydrate dry and dull skin cells.

    Prevent the appearance of visible signs of aging caused by dryness.

    Protect your skin against environmental aggressions.

    Recommended for sensitive skin.

    Perfective Ceuticals - Replenish Moisture Cream for Sensitive Skin

    I am very impressed at how Perfective Ceuticals (can be found on Facebook) intermingles cutting edge science with nature (Naturally derived ingredients) and century old methods that have worked and continue to work.

    This company understands the importance of working with experts like renowned biochemists, doctors and medical specialists.  By combining all this knowledge advanced formulas that target aspects of skin aging can be accomplished.

    My skin is very sensitive, especially my face.  So, it is great to find a moisture cream that actually makes my skin feel nourished and refreshed. 

    Perfective Ceuticals Replenish Moisture Cream for Sensitive Skin when on so nice and smooth.  It only took a few minutes for it to totally absorb into my skin.  It made my skin feel and look younger without any burning or discomfort.  My facial dryness is totally gone thanks to Perfective Ceuticals.  The only thing I would like to see is an unscented version.  I am not a girly girl so the pretty rose scent does not fit my personality.  But, I did receive compliments on how nice I it wasn't a bad thing.  Maybe it is time for me to get in touch with my feminine side now that I look younger.

    I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

    DaddyScrubs Giveaway / Review $54.95 Value - Perfect Daddy To Be Gifts

    Anyone out there know an expectant father?  Or how about is a daddy too be?  Or even a proud Papa?

    Well, I recently had the opportunity to share a review with my husband and father of our 3 boys (aka...Proud Papa).  And this product is a must have for any expectant father gifts or a great present for all Fathers. (Keep reading for your chance to win a pair of these too!)

    This practical and extremely comfortable creation was conceived when Robert Nickell a father of four children, remarried in 2007 and found out he was about to be a father all over again in the fall of 2009.

    Robert did not want to have to go through wearing very uncomfortable street clothes while caring for his laboring love and wife.  So he came up with the idea of creating doctor like scrubs for perfect since Robert is a pharmacist by profession.

    Robert wanted to make sure there was NO confusion between who was the Doctor and who was the Daddy so the concept of "I'm The Daddy" medical scrubs was born.

    My husband was so excited to be able to show off his excitement around our house wearing his DaddyScrubs as they make perfect lounge wear or pajamas.  He can't wait to get done with work for the day to slip into his DaddyScrubs and relax.

    But, they can also be worn around the hospital for those soon to be dads!

    All DaddyScrubs are machine washable and come in sizes from small to 5X large.

    I love how the pants include a drawstring so they can be adjusted for the perfect and very comfortable fit - I know I wish I had a pair for myself.

    The top has a v-neck and a left chest pocket that has the word, "DADDY" on it.  The back of the top has the words "I'M THE DADDY" for all the world to see.

    I love how DaddyScrubs are offered in two different styles (Edgy and Classic).  My husband chose the Edgy style and as you have ready above he loves them.  They also are offered in three different colors (Navy, Green and Khaki). 
    I would love to know which style the man in your life would love to maybe you will be the lucky winner of a set of DaddyScrubs....Enter below for you chance to win!
    And don't forget to check out DaddyScrubs and see all the other great products they offer.

    I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

    Win 3 Piece Bamboo Accessory Bathroom / Kitchen Kit from TolietTree $39.95 Value Giveaway

    Afforable, Beautiful and Functional are the top three words I have to describe this amazing TolietTree Eco-Friendly Product.

    Once my Bamboo beauty arrived to review (and one lucky person will also win one of their own...keep reading to find out how to enter below)...I couldn't believe how functional this welcome addition to my bathroom was (but it can be used also in a kitchen).

    I must share that this product is made from 100% Natural Eco-Friendly Bamboo...and it is so elegant yet durable and beautiful!!

    We have been using our TolietTree 3 Piece Bamboo Accessory Kit in our bathroom for over a month now and have had not a single problem.  And that is saying a lot, as it is getting a lot of attention from my 3 boys and my darling husband.

    I filled the pump dispenser with hand soap - but another option could be hand lotion and even dish soap.  It is very easy to fill, just by unscrewing the top. 

    The toothbrush holder will keep four toothbrushes in place.  The silver covered top is easily removed and can be cleaned simply.  The top can also be taken off and this holder can be used with out the set spots for toothbrushes....humm it could be used to store so many different things. 

    The soap dish is also easy to maintain.  The silver colored grate can be simply removed to access for cleaning or to simply leave off.

    This set is a great size...7.5in H x 6in L x 7.25in W.

    I want to make sure to mention that the pump dispenser and the toothbrush holder can be removed from the 3 piece set and used separately.  So this is very functional and can be adapted to many uses.

    You can purchase your own TolietTree 3 piece bamboo accessory kit from and enter below for your chance to win one below!

    Learn more about TolietTree products via Facebook and Twitter.
    Disclaimer: I provided me with a free sample to review/giveaway, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

    Dial Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash - A Must Have!

    I can't believe Christmas is already over!  But I am so ready to Ring in the New Year in style.  I love finding ways to add seasonal, yet functional touches around my home.

    As anyone who knows me and my can only guess on how much hand soap we go through on a daily basis.  That is why I love finding creative and fun ways to decorate with hand soap.  Plus the more fun the hand soap is the more my boys use it.  And the more they use it, the more germs are killed on their precious hands.

    So, when I was given the chance to try out Dial Complete Foaming Hand Wash which was all decked out for the Holidays; I quickly agreed.
    Look at the great and festive bottles offered by Dial.

    My boys couldn't wait to set one of our Holiday bottles out in the bathroom and get busy washing there hands (over and over and over).  There were many days I couldn't find them...they were lined up in the bathroom trying out the Dial Complete Foaming Hand Wash.  I was pleasantly surprised as it didn't dry out their gentle skin.  Plus, I loved the hand wash scent.  And a side note...I was excited to see how long a bottle actually lasted in our house with all the frequent uses.

    I was pleased to learn Dial Complete is #1 doctor recommend antibacterial foaming hand wash.  It kills 99.99% of germs encountered in the household setting.

    Learn more about Dial on their website and Facebook.

    Dial provided a free sample of their Holiday Foaming Hand Soap so I could review them.  However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.

    Wednesday, December 26, 2012

    Get Fit New Years Resolution Giveaway

     I am so exctied to be helping sponsor this amazing Get Fit New Years Resoluation Giveaway!!!

    get fit news years 2013

    Sponsored by: Nutrisystem | Eat Smart | ProForm | BeachBody Co Hosted by: Mom Blog Society | Jackie's Reviews | Geeky Gamer Mom | She Informed | Country Stew | Confessions of a Messy Mama | Zoe's Printable Coupons | Fishful Thinking | The Deal Fanatic | Route 249 | SOS Mom | Swank Savings

    Ab Glider
    6 Month Nutrisystem
    EatSmart Scale
    Insanity Worked Package
    The event dates: 12/27 12am EST- 1/6 11:59pm EST Open to World Wide

    At Nutrisystem, we believe that your health and happiness matters most. That's why for more than 40 years, we've been helping millions of people make themselves a priority, and discover that they, too, can change their lives for the better. By providing real food you know and love, guidelines you can live and learn by, and balanced nutrition your body needs, we've created a program that makes losing weight work for you.  


    • Measuring Functions: % Body Fat, % Total Body Water, % Muscle Mass and Bone Mass
    • Proprietary Automatic User Identification Technology; Stores personal data for up to 8 users
    • EatSmart "Step-On" Technology - Get instant readings with no tapping to turn on!
    • Large 3.5" Blue LCD display with white backlight - Easy to read.
    • Auto Calibrated; Auto Power-Off; Runs on 4 AAA batteries (included); 100% EatSmart Satisfaction Guarantee

    • Burn 2x the Calories Per Minute
    • 2-in-1 Easy Abs Plus Workout DVD
    • 3-Minute Abs Workout DVD
    • Amazing Abs Digital Eating Guide
    • Vertical and Rotational Lock


    This might just be the hardest fitness program ever put on DVD. Your personal trainer Shaun T will push you past your limits with 10 INSANITY workout discs packed with plyometric drills on top of nonstop intervals of strength, power, resistance, and ab and core training moves. No equipment or weights needed. Just the will to get the hardest body you’ve ever had.        
    For your chance to win the Get Fit New Years Resolution Giveaway Simply enter via the Rafflecopter below. GOOD LUCK!

    Sunday, December 23, 2012

    Nutrisystem Week 26 - My lowest weight yet (Even with the Holidays in FULL Swing!) #NSNation

    Week 26- on Nutrisystem and in less than 1 pound I will have lost 50 pounds!!!

    Merry Christmas to me!!!  Thank you Nutrisystem!  I couldn't have gotten this far in such a sort amount of time with out all your amazing food, support and fitness routine.

    I have been on a yo-yo roller coaster for the last month +....gaining and losing....gaining and losing...

    That is until these last two weeks!  I actually lost each week!!!!  I am so excited and love my New and very challenging fitness workout that I have started.  It is called Turbo Fire and it is and A** Kicker!  But it has got me back into losing more and gaining a ton of muscle. 

    I am so close to my revised weight loss goal!  I can't believe it!  I only have two more weeks as a Nutrisystem I need every one's support to get to my goal!  Come on everyone!! Start cheering for me please...especially with Christmas only a few days away and New Years and all the celebrations and food!!!  I sure hope I will be sharing that I will be getting another Nutribear to join my green Determination bear.

    This week I.....
    lost 2.8 pounds!!

    And I  have only missed 1 workout since starting Nutrisystem.
    Week 1 - lost 3.5 pounds
    Week 2 - lost 3.5 pounds
    Week 3 - lost 2.8 pounds
    Week 4 - lost 1.6 pounds
    Week 5 - lost 5.8 pounds
    Week 6 - lost 3.5 pounds
    Week 7 - lost 1.8 pounds

    Week 8 - gained 1.8 pounds
    Week 9 - lost 5.2 pounds
    Week 10 - lost 4.8 pounds
    Week 11 - lost .4 pounds

    Week 12 - lost 2 pounds
    Week 13 - lost 3.8 pounds
    Week 14 - gained .2pounds
    Week 15 - lost 2.6 pounds
    Week 16 - lost 4.6 pounds
    Week 17 - lost .4 pounds
    Week 18 - lost 1.8 pounds
    Week 19 -lost 2 pounds
    Week 20 - gained 1.4 pounds
    Week 21 - lost 1.4 pounds
    Week 22 - gained 1.6 pounds
    Week 23 - lost 2.2 pounds
    Week 24 - gained 4.2 pounds
    Week 25 - lost 1.8 pounds
    Week 26 - lost 2.8 pounds

    Total Weight Loss So Far after 26 weeks on Nutrisystem
    49.2 pounds.

    Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

    Disclaimer: Nutrisystem provided me with my food and support program free
    of charge for participation in the Nutrisystem.

    Friday, December 21, 2012

    Edwards Creme Pie Giveaway and Review + Donation to Toys for Tots

    This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Edwards for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

    The Holidays are all about giving and being with your loved ones.

    I can’t believe Christmas is only 5 days away!  Where has the time gone?  Are you ready?  I sure hope so and if not you had better get busy, busy, busy!

    I have a great idea on how you can wish a loved one Happy Holidays…with a FREE holiday e-card from the Edwards Holiday microsite.  Trust me it is so easy.  I love how you can select between two different cards and even add your own greeting.  I just sent one to my sister and the best part is the e-card even has a link to click to print off a saving coupon on an Edwards Pie.
    Speaking of delicious Edwards Crème pies; did you know for every Edwards Dessert purchased during the months of November and December Edwards Desserts will be donated $1 per dessert to Toys for Tots.  So you can enjoy a dessert and show your support for those in need.  OR you can even give an Edwards dessert as a gift and feel great knowing a $1 was just donated by Edwards Desserts to Toys for Tots.
    I know I would love to give my husband an Edwards Georgia Pecan Pie for Christmas this year.

    But I must say my favorite is Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Crème pie.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it!  This pie is so rich, chocolatey and smooth creamy.  It goes perfect with a hot mug of coffee.  Ahhhh!

    So who wants to win a coupon for a FREE Edwards Frozen Pie (value up to $8.99) and have a $20 donation made in your name to Toys for Tots by Edwards Desserts? 

    Just visit the entry form on my blog

    Visit Sponsor's Site

    NEW On The Go Accessory Pouch Giveaway / Review $30 Value! Active Accessories

    As a very active mom and fitness freak!  Yes, I said freak!

    I am so addicted to working out!  But, one of the biggest challenges I have come across with being so active is keeping all the necessary items safe and with me during my workouts. 

    Who reading this totally understands? 

    Okay, here is my situation.  I am in my limited workout pockets or very tiny sleeves....So?  Where do I keep my keys?  My extra cash?  My gym key card?  My necklace that bangs around on my neck?  My rings?  Of course my phone??  How about any medications...especially if you suffer from asthma?

    I don't have to worry about any of these things thanks to an amazing opportunity to review and GIVEAWAY a great and functional product....

    The On-The-Go Accessory Pouch from Active Accessories. 

    This workout necessity is available for purchase on and is even on sale right now at an amazing value....Only $14.95...its retail value is $30!!  And use Amazon Claim Code AAFREEI2 to get Free Shipping!

    This brand new company has created a winning product in my world!  What a creative, innovative and sporty product...Perfect for your New Year's Resolution to get Fit!!!  You can find Active Accessories on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest (like for extra entries below for this great giveaway prize!)

    This functional pouch allows you no more excuses to get fit and stay active!!

    Let me tell you all about my new found workout friend...the On the Go Accessory Pouch...

    It is so light!  Only weighing 2.4 ounces yet very durable and strong.  I love the size of this On the Go Accessory is it small, yet large enough to hold a smart phone and all your smaller belongings.

    The exterior is made of Ripstop Nylon and the interior polyester. The reason polyester is used on the is strong yet can cushion your valuables.

    Check out the snap button holder!!
    You can secure your rings and even hoop earrings so they don't get lost!  And as you can see in the above photo the Ripstop nylon handle with hook is great so you can use this pouch as a clutch or clip it onto any bag.  I also love to clip mine on a loop inside my workout shorts and then I can tuck it securely into my waist band.
    I love the two inside pocket options.  As you can see one zip open widely and...
    The other pocket holds belongings with an elastic band across the top.  I like putting my son inhaler in this I can get to it very quickly.

    I can't imagine a workout with out having my On-The-Go-Accessory Pouch!  Great concept, Great Product!! Highly Recommended!

    Enter for you chance to win an On The Go Accessory Pouch by Active Accessories below!  Good Luck and Happy Workout Everyone!

    I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.